Oil Paintings
Although I learned the basics of oil painting in TAFE several years ago, I was never really interested in it. I didn’t like the idea that it required fancy things like turpentine and I could not quite figure it out.
In the past 6 months though, I decided that I really needed to figure it out, because if I could create realistic drawings, then being able to have control over this medium would open a plethora of creative opportunities, mainly that I would be able to produce images to a larger scale and hopefully not take as many painstaking hours per work.
Since then, I’ve found that oil paint allows me to be more creative because I can take my time more so than acrylics, which I always struggled with. I’ve enjoyed learning this new medium, and being able to create layers, unlike coloured pencils, has let me add more detailed backgrounds to my artworks, which you can see below in this gallery. Although my initial goal was to be able to complete my projects in a more timely fashion, these larger works generally took me from 25-30 hours each, which is pretty much the same time per square inch as a drawing. Its been a great experience and I’m hoping that I will have time to make more original paintings!
Just a reminder that all of these images are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without my permission.